Table bety.public.priors
Legend: Primary key columns Indexed columns
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default References Comments
id serial 10  χ   √  nextval('priors_id_seq'::regclass)
citation_id int4 10  √   χ  null
variable_id int4 10  √   χ  null
phylogeny varchar 255  √   χ  null Used to note the group of plants for which the prior was specified, often the group of plants represented by the data used to specify the prior.
distn varchar 255  √   χ  null Name of the probability distribution, using R naming convention (e.g. 'beta','f', 'gamma', 'lnorm', 'norm', 'pois', 't', 'unif', 'weibull'.
parama numeric 16,4  √   χ  null First parameter for distribution, as specified by R.
paramb numeric 16,4  √   χ  null Second parameter for distribution, as specified by R.
paramc numeric 16,4  √   χ  null A third parameter, if required.
n int4 10  √   χ  null number of observations used to specify prior.
notes text 2147483647  √   χ  null
created_at timestamp 29,6  √   χ  null
updated_at timestamp 29,6  √   χ  null
Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id Primary key Asc priors_pkey
citation_id Performance Asc index_priors_on_citation_id
variable_id Performance Asc index_priors_on_variable_id